
I was on the 5:49

Right , on time

Whis whis whistle~ing this tune

Right~right~right on time


I was meeting my chic

Being real slick

Righr ~ right ~ right ~on time....

Verse 3

Nobody dared

I was feeling real cool....

”Nobody’s fool”....

”Right~right~right on time”....


Verse 4

Nowhere to go....

Midnight show


What could I do....?

Ignore the ”zoo”!

“ Right~right~right~on~time “


Verse 5

What would you do....?

”Dance with this crew””!




Verse 6

”That’s the end of my song”!

”We danced all night long”

”Me & my chic”....

We danced the whole night through

”What could we do”

”Nobody knew”

”We dance, dance, danced all night....!

Singing this song....

Dancing along

Singing this song 

“What could we do”


Night ~night~night to you

Night~night~night to you


Latest comments

21.09 | 02:17

Gracias a ver 45,000 tempo’s :)

08.09 | 10:30

Gracias , a ver 44,444 tempo's ;)

01.09 | 08:38

Gracias , a ver 44,000 tempo's ;)

29.07 | 12:44

Gracias a ver 42,000 tempo's

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